Before leaving, I had scouted out potential places to visit, but I knew I would be very unlikely to get out to the likes of Stone given the schedule, and indeed, I'm almost ashamed to admit that pretty much most nights were spent crawling 5th, the spine of the Gaslamp district, a bit of a tourist hellhole that I equate to Temple Bar in Dublin. But still, it was within spitting distance of the hotel, and anyway, even if most bars are dives, there was good beer to be had, and for me at least, some new ones to try. Let's deal with the bigger breweries first. Roll it there Colette...

Shock Top Belgian White, another wheat beer from a mega brewer. I should point out that, more often than not, the way I was buying beer was to ask the server what they had, tune out while they listed Bud, Bud Light, Coors, Coors Light, Miller, Miller Light, Corona, Corona Light etc... ad nauseam, till they hit something I hadn't heard of before. "Stop there, what was that? I'll have one!" Anyway, I didn't know that this was made by Anheuser-Busch InBev, but in fairness, I thought it was ok. Kind of sweet in a fudge, banana and orange way with a slightly sour note to the finish. Satisfying enough, and I would have had another if we weren't getting bored in that bar in particular.
Nakhon, made by San Miguel, and pretty much the only choice at a certain Thai restaurant where the food was mediocre (apart from Christian E's Honeyed Duck), and the beer relatively tasteless. Well, it did have a slight citric nose, which was surprising, and a reasonably malty body. Meh. Why is it never possible to get a flavoursome beer in an Asian restaurant? Nice label though.

Of course Stone beers featured strongly. I think the Stone IPA was the first beer I had on hitting the bars, about an hour after landing. Served in a 12oz bottle that was shoved into a mini ice bucket (see above) in that Den of iniquity, Dick's Last Resort. Actually, they probably like to think of it as a den of iniquity, what with the sassy back-talk/mild insults from the bar staff and servers, and all that bloody napkin throwing, and the chap dressed like Hitler in a skirt with a riding crop, but it's just a tourist hole, and was surprisingly empty many of the times we popped in. Did I say many times? Ehhh... Well, anyway, the beer was good! The IPA, with expected thick, citric aromas delivered what I expected from it, with a decent malt base upon which was piled masses of hoppy goodness. Robustly bitter in that grapefruity and resinous way, with fruity and toffee undertones. Another great American IPA, although based on the back label, somebody should point Greg Koch over to Zythophile's IPA myth busting blog post.
Arrogant Bastard had to be sampled of course, this time while watching the very entertaining Stilettos with some great covers (Walk This Way in rockabilly style for one) all the while with things like Bettie Page movies playing in the background. But man!, those people in the audience could dance! The music was more balanced than the Arrogant Bastard, and although I enjoyed it for the extreme/novelty factor, I actually thought it wasn't well balanced and felt it didn't have the depth that the back label proclaimed. Clearly heavily hop driven, there is some dark malty undertones, but they are essentially wiped out. In fact, half way down I thought it was a bit of a one-trick pony, all aggressive bitterness, and that's it. Maybe I wasn't worthy!
I had the Stone Pale Ale towards the end of the trip, and frankly, I was disappointed. After the IPA I was expecting something along the same lines, but maybe just less bitter. Sure enough, there were those lovely hop elements, but I was mostly struck with a raw grainy taste that I'm not sure was supposed to be there. I'll have to try it again.

I wasn't very good in the note taking department this trip (I was too busy drinking, Hargh!) so there's lots of beers I'm leaving out, but who wants to read long lists of beers someone else has had? Just writing is making me thirsty!
I read this the other day but just realised I forgot to comment!
What's with the first three beers?! :)
I love Stone IPA. I had it on tap in London a few months ago. I'm not keen on the Oaked Arrogant Bastard, but not tried the regular Bastard yet. And interesting about the Pale Ale, that's another I haven't tried.
San Diego is one of the top spots that I'd like to visit. Just the names of the local breweries make me driblle: Stone, Alesmith, Port Brewing, Lost Abbey... to name a few!
Must. Save. Harder!
Hah! Yes, well... Like I said, in some cases it was a matter of asking the server, and taking a lucky dip, unless I could get to see the coolers. I'm a bad beer geek, as I didn't have a hit list I wanted to try. I prefer the random scatter-gun approach :D But actually, I was surprised at how decent the first two were. As for the third, well, I got what I expected, and I was forced into that restaurant! :D
The Stone Pale Ale I had was on tap, the other two Stone beers were bottled. I expected a lot more from the Pale Ale, so I am not discounting it yet! The barman was an asshole (he tried ignoring me even though I was the only person standing at the bar for three minutes, and then served another guy before me!), and that may have tainted the beer.
If I was going to SD as a tourist, I'd have a much better plan, and I would make it my business to get out to Stone at the very least. While working there is great, it's bloody knackering and all you want to do at the end of the day is get a few cool ones and a decent bite in before starting the same shit the next day. Can't complain though!
Well, I could, as I got H1N1 while I was there too! :D
I think you probably got swine flu because you didn't drink enough uber-hoppy beers ;)
I've already got my tourist list made and the chances of me even going there are slim! lol! I am planning a trip a bit further up to San Fran/Sonoma though (if only that weren't so far away from SD then I could do both!)
If it helps, it's a fairly short flight from San Fran to San Diego, and they're probably quite frequent (they're very frequent to LAX at least, but avoid that shithole).
Great post, and interesting to get your take on Blue Moon and Shock Top, given you're not continually bombarded with Bud/Miller/Coors shit where you live.
I agree with you on some of Stone's offerings, huge emphasis on the hops, but then again that's kind of the West Coast mantra.
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