At the time of writing, my cellar has a disproportionate number of bocks and doppelbocks sitting on a shelf. I'm not that into this type of beer, but I like one now and again. I just happened to go mad the last time I was shopping for beer in the local drink market. Well, that time I also spotted the Einbecker label, and of course had to try the original bockbier.
Einbecker Ur-Bock Hell didn't give alot of aroma to me (I did have a cold and it was one of the reasons for going for bocks), but I did get the impression of sweet almonds. It has a big malt flavour, and again, the marzipan cames out in the taste, with hints of orange peel. It has a full almost chewy mouthfeel and tastes more than its 6.5%. The finish is warming with a slightly spicy, black pepper tone, and a bitterness edging towards grapefruit. Sounds like alot going on, but after a while you get used to it and it begins to taste just like a very strong, sweet lager. Not bad though.

On to the
Einbecker Ur-Bock Dunkel, a deep amber, heading to chestnut-brown. Like it's sister, this had a fairly thin head that didn't last. It has all the qualities of the Hell, but with a bit more substance, more toffee notes and a touch of vanilla. I have to admit my notes got a bit sketchy, but I made a comment that it was well drinkable. So there you go!
I drank both of these while baking lovely
Bauernbrot at around midnight. Warm bread and this kind of beer just go great.
that hell sounds awesome, and the beer and bread thing...oh yeah.
I've been trying to get more into the bread thing, but seem to keep making the same kinds of rolls and loaves every time. They just disappear as my son seems to prefer my bread to the (actually nice) stuff we get from our local baker.
But yeah, you can't beat some nice fresh, moist bread, strong cheese and decent salami with pretty much most beers. I like the simple things :)
Me and bocks/doppelbocks have a funny relationship. I'm almost afraid of them sometimes as sometimes I like them, and sometimes I just find them too sweet and strong. But I have been using Hacker-Pschorr Animator for cooking the likes of chili and beef stews. They're so cheap here I don't feel guilty!
I tried a Berliner Weisse sauce for pork the other week and it didn't quite work out. Hence I stick to simple :)
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