This had a rather unappealing appearance. I like unfiltered beers, but this looked a little unnatural. More like dirty lemon wash water. In fact it tasted a little watery too. It's a fairly malty beer, in the most basic sense, but to my mind there wasn't much else to it, although a slight bitterness managed to drag itself onto the tongue near the end, but not enough to warrent interest.
This should have been left in 1183. Meh...
Wow...that's disappointing and clearly a let-down. What led you to buy the beer? Hope it didn't run you too much!
Beer is so cheap here I could buy a crate of crap and it wouldn't bother me. Well, it would, but at something like 70c (euro cent, so 92c US) for a half litre bottle, I won't cry about the crap ones. What led me to buy it? I never had it before, and it looked interesting :) I'll try anything once. Maybe even twice! :D
92 cents? I'm moving! The imported bottles I buy are anywhere from $3 - $25 depending on how rare they are. Most that I buy are $6-$12.
That's Germany for you. People tend to buy by the crate. Of course imported beers are generally more expensive, and a bottle of English ale might set you back €5 in a bar. I bought a 750cl bottle of Chimay Grande Reserve a few weeks ago for €7.50 (c. $10), but it's a big bottle and 9% or something, so also ok. It's actually hard to get non-German beer here, but with the amount available and the low price, I can't complain too hard :D
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